Copenhagen Farm, Angunakolapelessa, Hambantota

Copenhagen Farm, Angunakolapelessa, Hambantota

Copenhagen Farm is a 238 Acre family owned property belonging to the directors of Dilmah Tea Company. It is situated in Angunakolepelessa, Southern Sri Lanka and consist with coconut, lemon, banana, paddy and other fruits and vegetables. Since 2021 January AAC manages this property with their own management and about 30 job opportunities have been created to the surrounding villagers. Directors mission is to develop the farm with all the technology and crop varieties to be an example to the country while reinvesting the profits benefiting the community.

Current production is sold through an outlet at the farm and AAC planning to increase the productivity of the farm in a self-sustaining manner as soon as possible. AAC came up with an agreement with Keells supermarkets to sell the existing 50 acres lime production and currently working on a crop plan to produce other fruits and vegetables as well.

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